Not Old at Heart


What Is NOAH and What Do They Do?

NOAH (Not Old at Heart) is for those 50 and older. They meet at Wickline at 12:00 noon the first Tuesday of each month to share a potluck lunch, be entertained by a program, make new friends, visit with old friends, and enjoy fellowship, fun, and food. You don’t have to be a member of Wickline to participate. And if you are ready for more fellowship and fun, check on NOAH and Friends on the Go below. They’re always on the go to local and statewide venues!

The next meeting will be Tuesday April 1, at 12:00.

Ark Courtesy of StickPNG

NOAH and Friends on the Go

Our next outing is Thursday, March 20. We will meet at Wickline at 10:30am and carpool to Bedlam BBQ, 601 NE 50th ST. Click here for the menu.