Adult Sunday Study


Journey meets at 9:45, in room 103, the first room to the left as you enter the big doors on the south side.

Journey Class is a 50+ age group which utilizes video studies and lively discussions of Bible studies, spiritual values, and seasonal studies. The class sells donuts to support youth projects before class, so usually class starts around 9:45 am. They also prepare and serve WOW dinner on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Journey is always ready to serve and laugh!

Journey class has started the 6 week study “The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World”. This DVD study is by Adam Hamilton, pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City. Participants will look at six of Jesus’s most often mentioned sayings and how they pertain to Christians in today’s world.

Man w/Suitcase courtesy of Unsplash
Jesus courtesy of Amazon


Seekers meets at 9:45 in room 211. Take the elevator to the second floor, turn left.

A seeker is one who tries to discover by studying, a good description of this class. Seekers is a class for couples and singles, men and women. Class members take turns leading the class as we seek God’s path through various study books and videos. We are a democratic group in that we review and vote on books to study, giving anyone who desires an opportunity to teach a session, be a part of a service experience, or just be a part of our weekly fun and laugher.  We share our joys and sorrows, and we support and care about each other.  We also serve our community in many ways from providing security, singing, and cooking.

We would love to have those looking for a class visit us.  But beware; we will draw you in and adopt you as our own.

Seekers has started the new year by starting the Max Lucado study “Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer”. This 4 session study is designed to help the reader understand that prayer isn’t meant to be hard, it doesn’t have to be difficult. Prayer is a simple way for us to talk to God always, in whatever circumstances we are. If you need a formula, just remember: “Father, you are good. I need help. They need help. Thank you.”

Amos 5:14 image courtesy of A Little Perspective
Before Amen courtesy of Amazon


Koinonia meets at 9:45 in room 213. Take the elevator to the second floor, turn left, 2nd door on the right.

Koinonia is made up of people who are male and female, married and single, young and not so young. Acts 2:42 is the first time “Koinonia” is used in the Bible. “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayers.” (ESV) That tells you that this is a group who believe in fellowship and service. We teach, cook, clean, tutor—to name just some of our projects. We love studying the Scriptures.

Whatever form the study takes, it always leads to lively discussion. We discuss, we question, we share, and we encourage. We want to know what God was saying to the people at the time the books of the Bible were written, and we want to know what He is saying to us today. We want to take that Word into the world and share Christ with others. We want the Holy Spirit to work through us to accomplish God’s will. We have been adopted into God’s family and we want to welcome others to be part of His family.

Koinonia will start a new study on January 12. The class is continuing the Sandra Richter “Epic of Eden” study, which is both online and study book. This study, “Epic of Eden: Deborah”, takes the participant to the time after the tribes of Israel had started, but not quite completed God’s command to move into the land and settle it. This is the time of Judges when the people cycled through faith and prosperity that led to the tribes falling away from the covenant they had made with God. As they started becoming part of the idolatrous people around them, they stopped listening to God, and then they fell into slavery, war, and famine. Judges is the story of how God was faithful and raised up leaders for the tribes. Special emphasis will be given to Deborah, the only female judge. Join Koinonia is this study that will help our understanding of what that time was like, what the people’s circumstances were, and how God used this time and these people to further his plan of salvation for mankind.

Tree image courtesy of Clipart Library
Deborah image courtesy of ChristianBook