Church Council

The church council envisions, plans, coordinates, and implements the administration and ministry of the local church. All voting laypeople of the church council must be professing members of the local church. The pastor, as the administrative officer of the church, is also a member of the church council with vote, although the pastor’s membership is in the annual conference and not in the local congregation.

David Haskett
Council Chair

Mike Fischer
Council Secretary

Maury Hardy
Finance Chair

Cindy Davidson
SPRC Chair

Terry Mummery
Trustees Chair

Vicki Dudley
Alt Lay Delegate

Deena Palmer
Evangelism Chair

Terry Mummery
Security Chair

Mary Lawrence
Whiz Kids Coordinator

Candis Fredericksen
Alt Lay Delegate

Connie Griffith

Audrey Lippe
Young Adult Representative

Jeff Smith
Council Vice-Chair

SPRC Chair

Cindy Davidson
Lay Leader

John Croak

Jim Siler
Lay Leader

Vicki Trussell
Lay Delegate

Vicki Dudley
Lay Leader

Anjel Meisse
Saints at Home

Karen Rich
Worship Chair


Tyler Lippe
Security Vice-Chair


Vicki Dudley
Prayer Team Coordinator

Barbara Johnson


Elias Herrera
Youth Representative

Linda & Wayne Hodge
Scholarship Chair